Shrimp Care

shrimp start

shrimp start

shrimp start™ is the complete conditioner for your freshwater shrimp aquarium.

shrimp pha

shrimp pHa™

shrimp pHa is one part of a two-part system which aids in replicating the water chemistry found in the native habitats of freshwater shrimp. Lowers pH.

shrimp phb

shrimp pHb™

shrimp pHb is one part of a two-part system which aids in replicating the water chemistry found in the native habitats of freshwater shrimp. Raises pH.

shrimp exo

shrimp exo

shrimp pHb is one part of a two-part system which aids in replicating the water chemistry found in the native habitats of freshwater shrimp. Raises pH.

shrimp gh

shrimp GH

shrimp GH™ restores and maintains general hardness (GH)