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Aquavitro Shrimp Exo

Aquavitro Shrimp Exo

Aquavitro Shrimp Exo work as a source of iodine to encourage molting (and mating). Do keep in mind that molting can be fatal if the water condition is not right or if the shrimp is not healthy. Therefore it is not advice to use Shrimp Exo within 2 weeks after introducing new shrimps and it is essential to make sure you have the correct water parameters. Use Aquavitro Shrimp pHa & pHb along with Shrimp GH to create a proper condition for shrimps.

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Seachem Prime

Seachem Prime

Did you know that Seachem Prime is 5 times more concentrated the most brand out there? Not only that it also detoxify access heavy metal, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Learn more of our flagship product in the following video:  

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Seachem Stability

Seachem Stability

What does it do? Your aquarium will constantly creates bio waste. From fish feces to left over foods or dead leaves they all generate bio waste which create ammonia which is deadly to fish and cause the water to become cloudy. In an aquarium we will use nitrogen cycle to filter this bio waste which basically converting ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. This is done by housing nitrifying bacteria in bio media such as our Seachem Matrix. So how do you get that bacteria in your filter? This is where the Seachem Stability comes in. Seachem Stability contain all the...

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Seachem Fresh Trace

Seachem Fresh Trace

Want to know how to make your fishes more healthy and brighter color? Seachem Fresh Trace is the key. Fish like all life form needs essential trace elements to survive and thrive. While most of them gets fresh water with abundant trace elements, a fish in an aquarium doesn't. This is because aquarium water aren't being change as frequent and we can't change 100% of it. Therefore it is vital to supply trace elements for them. Trace elements doesn't not only directly effect health, digestion and growth of a fish but also it's coloration as well. A healthy fish shine brilliantly. ...

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Seachem Betta Basics

Seachem Betta Basics

  Seachem Betta Basics is more then your conventional anti-chlorine. Aside from just removing chlorine from the water, Seachem Betta Basics will also automatically regulate the pH to a proper 7.0. And this is why Betta Basics is the water conditioner you should have for Siamese Fighting Fish / Betta Fish.    Do subscript to us for future videos! You can use Seachem Betta Basics up to 2 - 3 times a week even without water change. This is because Betta basics doesn't not only work to remove chlorine but also regulator pH. The dosage is from 1 cap per...

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